
Implantation Of False Memory

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Implantation of False Memory(mild trauma and abuse). American cognitive psychologist and expert on human memory Elizabeth Loftus has done some fascinating research in the possibility of implanting false memories. Also called “Lost in the mall” experiment. After describing some narratives of childhood events of the participants. A narrative of a false event was implanted like being lost for a couple of hours in the mall. About 25 percent of the participants not only "remembered" the implanted memory but also filled in the missing details.[1]It is still natural to wonder whether one could go even further and implant a memory of abuse. Ethically, of course, it would not be possible, but anecdotally, it was done. It is one of the most dramatic cases of false memory of abuse ever to be documented the case of Paul Ingram from Olympia, Washington ( Ofshe, 1992; Watters, 1991 ). …show more content…

Moving one step further Dr. Julia Shaw a Canadian Psychologist in 2015 published a study in which she succeeded to get 70% of the participants to falsely remember a crime, they've committed in their past.[3][4] “All [that the]participants need to generate a richly detailed false memory is 3 hours in a friendly interview environment, where the interviewer introduces a few wrong details and uses poor memory-retrieval techniques.” says Julia Shaw.

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