First of all, uniforms can remove the distraction of symbols that reflect students social status, provide relief from competition for fashion and peer pressure and create equality between more and less wealthy students. In schools without uniforms students always worry about their appearance; those without expensive designer …show more content…
In many cases, students clothes have been linked to the causes of violence. For example, in Detroit, an 18 year old was shot and killed for his parka and Nike sneakers worth $70 and in a six month period, four Chicago youths were killed for warm-up jackets valued between $900 and $200. In 1995, the school in Long Beach, CA made it mandatory for students to wear uniforms. In 1999, the statistics from these schools have shown that the crime rate dropped by 91%, school suspensions dropped by 90%, sex offenses were reduced by 96% and incidents of vandalism went down by 69%. Also, nine years after implementing school uniforms in one of the schools in Maryland, the schools principal said that attendance and test scores have increased, suspensions and fights have decreased and students were more focused. Students who wear school uniforms behave more appropriately in the school environment more likely to follow school rules. As the research in school has shown, the mandatory use of standardized dress reduces violence within the