Having uniforms in schools also demolishes the levels of the social classes. Usually, the more popular and wealthier kids would be wearing the newest and trendiest clothing. The poor, lower social classes would not be able to afford those types of clothes and would be considered an outcast for not being able to keep up the newest trends. …show more content…
School uniforms bring the social classes together. Nobody would be able to tell how wealthy a person is just by looking at the clothing they are wearing. Everyone would be together without clothing brands dividing the students.
Schools the require uniforms look professional and formal Schools that do not require their students to wear uniforms have some kids who will not care how they dress and look. Some kids might wear inappropriate logos on clothing. That gives the school a bad reputation and look. Schools that have uniforms look well maintained and put together. With uniforms in the school students will not be focused on what they will be wearing to school but will be focusing on academics which lead to improved grades. The school will then have a better presentation and academics.
The most popular argument against school uniforms is that they take away the ability for the students express themselves. School uniforms do completely limit what the students can wear the students are still able to express themselves by the way the style their hair and the accessories they wear. Students are able to make changes to their uniforms without breaking the school’s dress code. On the weekends and outside of school kids can wear and express themselves any way they please.
.Overall, school uniforms are a great thing to have.
Even though the argument on whether or not school uniforms takes away the student's right to self-expression will never end. Having school uniforms for the students to wear will eliminate bullies who pick on other students based on their clothing. Uniforms will eliminate the separation of social classes when that is mainly determined by what clothing a person wears. Last but not least, schools that require the students to wear school uniforms makes a formal look on the school. Uniforms may seem boring, but if they are able to help improve learning for students, they are a very reasonable