Reliability and Validity are often applied as a commonly in a qualitative research and it has been considered the main point of the researches. Therefore, in order to be used in a naturalistic way they would have to be redefined; in a point where there are positioned or based on positivism. When an assessment or other measuring techniques are used as the main part of the collection process, which it leads to the importance of validity and reliability of the assessment. Assessment is the main key which makes teaching into teaching, without using the assessment of what have the students learned from the lectures that were given to them- It’s not lecturing. …show more content…
Same as the academic lessons who have different functions of assessment that are designed to measure particular elements of studying, for instance; The level of capacity of a student that already understands the concept or has the skill that the lecturer is planning to lecture or to analyze different texts. Assessments have the role to identify students or individual strengths and weakness so that the lecturers can give academic support, social services or change the educational program. In order, assessments came from a wide group and individuals which it includes administrators, colleges, teachers, etc. The most important question is, who needs to assess? Here are some …show more content…
There are some couple of examples Alternate-Form where questions are altered in the psychological testing. There’s also Internal-consistency of reliability which is generally used in references towards relatedness degree of all the techniques or the items in testing or there is also found in all raters inside the judgment study. (Schmitt & L, year 1993). Reliability refers to consistency and repeatability. In more words, a reliable testing or assessment gives us the idea of an image of what have learners understood and know that they are able to