In this essay I will discuss the importance of informing my chain of command on issues that affect myself as well as my family. I will consider the pros and cons of using my chain of command. This essay will also convey a plan of action to help insure this conduct of failing to inform my chain of command will cease.
“You have to learn the rules of the game , and then you have to play better than anyone else.” -Albert Einstein. (thinkexist) It is very important for every soldier to inform their chain of command of affairs, problems, or concerns relating to himself and his family. Number one, it is common courtesy to inform your fellow soldiers, who are counting on you to be there, of your current situation. They also rely on the training you have experienced during your military career to aid and benefit the army and America and also to receive more training. Furthermore, they can sometimes aid in your dilemma. When we fail to fulfill our duties we break down a working system that has been in place for thousands of years.
“In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves, self-discipline with all of them came first.” -Harry S. Truman. (dailyinspiringquotes) By using my chain of command I will raise my chance of success substantially. George Washington once said “ Disipline is the soul of an Army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the week, and esteem to all.” (brainyquote) There is not much hope in any career if one cannot follow the rules. All rules are important and have reasons behind them.
I have already appropriated certain steps to assist me in my daily life. I have alternate plans for my child if my wife is sick. I have altered my time schedule at home. Also, I vary soon have another vehicle in my name that will in turn leave my current vehicle at my wife 's disposal.
I will further evaluate and adjust what I need to improve my service and my life in
Cited: Daily Bread. March 17, 2009 Edition