James Gabbard
English 1020
Dr. David Auchter
March 26, 2012
Importance of Fire Prevention Bureau
James Gabbard
Professor Auchler
English Composition II 1020
Over the years, there have been thousands of lives lost due to fires. Fire Departments determined that something needed to happen to bring the number of fire related deaths down. They came up with a way to do so by creating a division within the fire department itself, fire departments called it, fire prevention bureau. The division’s job is a very important one should have high priority in the fire departments. The bureau is a division easily overlooked by citizens, city council, township trustees, and others. The division plays a large role in the community by providing fire safety education to all of the citizens that live and or work within the community that has a fire prevention bureau.
Dr. David Auchler suggested this project for the research project paper for English Composition II 1020. Once this paper is completed and approved, I hope that it shall reach the goal that I intend it to do. I have choose to write about the importance of the Fire Prevention Bureau to reach out to other fire departments, citizens in areas that don’t have a bureau, or places that are losing their bureau. I hope that it will show how important the role is in the bureau and how extremely importance of the bureau.
I can speak a lot about this research first hand. I have completed numerous courses related to fire prevention, including having my associates’ degree in fire science, along with having my FSI (fire safety inspector) certification. A FSI is usually the one who runs the fire prevention bureau that is within the fire departments. Since being in the fire service for over 6 years, I have come to realize how important the role of the FSI and the prevention bureau really is to everyone, including firefighter. Choosing this subject allows me to have a lot of
References: Wagner, M. (2002) Assessment of a Fire Prevention Bureau Service. Retrieved from http://www.associationdatabase.com Valentine, P. (2002) A study of Examine Outsourcing Fire Prevention Bureau Service. Retrieved from http://www.usfa.fema.gov Mims,T. (2011) Using Size-Up Skills to Build an Effective Fire and Life Safety Program. Retrieved from http://www.fireengineering.com/articles