Globally, civil engineering especially for construction industry is arguably one of the most resource-intensive and environmentally damaging industries in the world. Construction accounts for 40% of the total flow of raw materials into the global economy every year. The sector operates through land use planners, who determine the location and nature of development, clients, including house builders and commercial property developers, who determine what should be built on a site and where, designers who decide on the detail of building, materials and components suppliers who extract and or manufacture materials and components, for use by the contractors who actually do the building. In addition to these groups, there are others such as surveyors, architects, letting agents, consultants, finance institutions and insurance companies, all of whom have an influence over the industry and its impact on the environment. Since mining and quarrying is dealt with in a separate section this section mainly covers material relevant to four key groups – planners, clients, designers and contractors.
When considering the potential nature conservation impacts and opportunities of the sector it is probably appropriate to recognise four main subdivisions: housing (both public and private), commercial development, industrial development, civil engineering infrastructure (such as water treatment and distribution, roads, railways and airports).
Area based or regeneration projects often involve all of the above plus public realm projects such as libraries or community buildings and green spaces such as parks and community gardens. Construction projects, whether commercial developments, infrastructure or public sector projects all have the potential to impact on natural habitats, affecting wildlife and plant species. The construction sector is also an important user of resources, many of which are produced or derived through