Value statements are developed from your values and define how people want to behave with each other in the organization. Your value statements provide a measuring device against which you evaluate all of your actions and behaviors. Your value statements give words and meaning to the values that you decide to live by daily.
Value statements are declarations about how the organization will value customers, suppliers, and the internal community. Value statements describe actions that are the living enactment of the fundamental values held by most individuals within the organization.
The values of each of the individuals in your workplace, along with their experiences, upbringing, and so on, meld together to form your corporate culture. The values of your senior leaders are especially important in the development of your culture. These leaders have a lot of power in your organization to set the course and establish the quality of the environment for people. Your leaders have selected employees who they believe have congruent values and fit your workplace culture.
The Impact of Your Personal Values
If you think about your own life, your values form the cornerstones for all that you do, think, believe, and accomplish. Your personal values define where you spend your time, if you are truly living your values.
Each of you makes choices in life according to your most important four – ten values. Why not take the time to identify what is most important to you and to your organization? Identify and live your values. Manifest your values through value statements.
Why Identify and Establish