The film, In the Bedroom, is directed by Todd Field. Is based on the short story, “Killings,” by Andre Dubus. The setting is in a small town, Camden , Maine, along the shore. The film’s main characters are Frank Fowler and his parents Ruth, and Matt Fowler, who is the town doctor. Natalie Strount, Frank’s girlfriend, who is married to Richard Strout and they have two little boys Duncan and Jason. The film is about the murder of Matt and Ruth Fowler’s son. Although Richard Strout pulled the trigger, many people could be the blame for Frank’s death, including himself because they didn’t do anything to stop the violence. The film revealed a lot of instances where someone could have stepped up and done something before Frank was murdered by Richard. In the beginning of the movie the Fowler family was having a birthday party for the youngest boy Duncan when Richard , his father, showed up uninvited. Ruth and Matt had seen Richard coming through the yard, and said, “Great.” So they knew he must have been trouble. Natalie told Richard …show more content…
She came home after Duncan’s ball game one day to Richard in her house sitting at the table. She asked him, “How did you get in this time,” like he done this all the time. He acted like he was there to bring a trophy that he had won during a regional championship when he was younger for Duncan and wanted to know where the boys were. He asked if they were with him, implying to Frank. Richard started talking about moving back and being a father and Natalie said,” you don’t change.” Richard starting getting angry and telling her, you took my house, my kids, and your messing around with a college boy. She then told him to leave and he left angry. When Frank and Natalie discussed the things Richard was doing and his actions, Frank said,” If this is how he is now, we are in