1.0 Introduction The problem of homosexuality among people in Malaysia has been attributed to three main factors which are the religion, relationship and social.
2.0 Topic sentence 1: One reason for this problem is religion. 2.1 The lack of religion education. 2.1.1 The impact of parents because of not giving the religion educational to their children from kids. 2.1.2 Their children will not interested to know about religion. 2.2 The people do not practice their knowledge about the religion. 2.2.1 They do not take it as a serious problem. 2.2.2 They do not want to be control by the rule of religion.
3.0 Topic sentence 2: Another reason is about relationship. 3.1 They trauma to fall in love with the different gender. 3.1.1 They have an experience of dispointed in love with the different gender. 3.1.2 Because of the bad experience of love. 3.2 They didn’t get love from their parents. 3.2.1 Their parents always with their work and they do not have time to their children. 3.2.2 Because they always alone at home although in weekend. 3.2.3 The children especially boys disconnect from other males due to negative experiences with males. (Richard P,1997)
4.0 Topic sentence 3: Another reason is the social. 4.1 Because of the influence of peers. 4.1.1 They want to try do something when they saw their friends do. 4.1.2 They are attracted from the first meeting. (James R. Murdock, 2007) 4.2 Influence from media 4.2.1 Because of the era technology, they open the website of gay/ lesbian and can make appointment for the first date. 4.2.2 Example: http://www.datinggaynow.com/ -couple gay http://lesbianlife.about.com/od/lesbiandating/tp/FreeLesbianDate.htm -couple lesbian 4.2.3 “I don’t think the media influence who I am or what I do. I mean, sure, I watch a lot of shows and movies also read