We want to incorporate an Overseas Investment Company to be used as a Vehicle for investing our funds in companies engaged in business abroad. The criteria for selection of the location are:
1. No Tax or Minimum Tax on Income
2. Ease of Operation
3. Asset Protection
4. Scope for Raising Additional Funds
The salient features of overseas companies to be incorporated in various countries / locations such as Mauritius, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dellaware (USA) and Seychelles have been considered. After taking into account the above criteria, Mauritius is considered to be a more appropriate location for incorporating the Overseas Investment Company for the following reasons:
The income of a Mauritius Global Business Company, Category 2 (GBC2) is tax exempt, including dividends, interest, royalties, capital gains and inheritance tax. There is free repatriation of profits and capital. Thus the offshore companies registered in Mauritius are fully tax free and there is no requirement to file annual returns or audited statements with government authorities. A GBC2 company is not resident for tax purposes and is not subject to any form of profits, capital gains or dividend withholding tax. However, it is not entitled to the benefit of Double Taxation Agreements. There is no audit requirement for a GBC2 company. Mauritius has not been classified as a tax haven by the OECD and is not party to any exchange of information agreements with any country.
The Official language is English and the Economic and Political stability is excellent. All incorporation documents are to be in English. Share capital is unlimited and there are no extra fees for higher capitalization. There is no requirement for Directors and Shareholders to be resident in Mauritius and they can be of any nationality. Meetings of Directors and Shareholders can be held anywhere in the world, either in person or by phone.
The Mauritian