An Internship Report
Giselle Charisma Sequeira
SSN: 889-94-0978
In Partial Fulfillment of the Master’s Program in Business Administration, Ohio University, Athens, USA
OHIO University Christ College Academy for Management Education
Christ College Campus,
Hosur Road, Bangalore-29
April 2007
Completing a task is never a solo effort. It is often the result of invaluable contributions by a number of individuals in a direct or indirect manner, which helps in the shaping and achievement of success.
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Nilesh Nekaljay, Manager (T&D) for granting me the opportunity to undertake an internship at the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (Marketing Division, Mumbai).
I am extremely grateful to my project guide, Mr. Vigyan Kumar, Manager (Retail Sale) for his encouragement and patience throughout the duration of this project. Without his vision, guidance and support this report would not have materialized.
I would also like to deeply thank the various people at IndianOil who, during the period of my internship, provided me with useful and helpful assistance. Without their care and consideration this report would not have been completed.
I am thankful to the Internship Coordinators at Ohio University Christ College, Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi and Mr. Girish M. for their invaluable support and guidance during the internship period.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents for their inestimable love, support and encouragement which gave me the confidence and determination to carry out this project.
The deregulation of the Indian Petroleum sector in 1999 brought about a major change in the way Petroleum companies conduct their business. This sector has been exposed to new market forces and competition has grown enormously. With the entry of private players, the consumers’ demands have increased. The existing players have thus come to