(Cobo J, 2010)
My understanding of an indigenous person is, that they are the true owners of the land and are known as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
Torres Strait islander people are of Melanesian origin that come from the many of the northern islands of Australia but live also on the main land, generally up in cairns and Townsville. The term “indigenous’ is used in context when describing an aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.
Aboriginal or aborigine is a person of origin to the land of the earliest times who is also classified
as indigenous person. (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2005)
My understanding is that and Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander person is the earliest people in history to have been on this continent and that they have recorded their history over time with art, drawings in caves and repeating history in story times when they share about dream time to others.
Just recently a study at Griffith university used DNA sequencing technology to prove that a fossil of a Mongo man was the oldest human fossil, believed to be an aboriginal who lived in (now heritage listed) Mungo Lake 40,000 years ago.