From above details we came to that martin as been consumed AAS(anabolic androgenic steroids) which is a synthetic derivative of the male hormone testosterone. They can shows strong effects on the human beings that may be advantage for athletic performance. In most laboratory studies did not investigate the actual doses of AAS currently abused in the field. Therefore, those studies may not shows the actual (adverse) effects of steroids. The available scientific literatures describes that short-term administration of these drugs by athletes can increase strength and bodyweight.
Martin is an athlete so obviously he will do exercises to build body and may be because of strenous exercises which will lead to decrease total testosterone level.
All this factors will leads to hormonal change which also causes infertility in couples.
May be infertility in chirstina due to:
Due to hormonal imbalance in chirstina and cystic formation in ovary or cystic fibrosis lead to infertility.
By the below table martin and chirstina can diagnose their problems. Martin semen analysis comparing with normal level.
Sperm Concentration
~ 7.9 15