Information Management
Ramona Naidoo
Student Number: 32062400
| | | |PAGE NUMBER |
|Introduction | | |3 |
| | | | |
|Question 1 - A business Model | | |4 |
| 1.1 – What is a business model | | |4 |
| 1.2 – A brief History | | |4 – 5 |
| 1.3 – Role of a Business Model | | | 5 |
| 1.4 – Examples of a business model used by Shoprite Holdings | | |5 – 6 |
| | | | |
|Question 2 – Organization’s Strategic Direction | | |6 - 8 |
| | | | |
|Question 3 - Barriers to entry | | |8 |
| 3.1 – Buyer Power | | |8 |
| 3.2 – Supplier Power
Bibliography: ❖ research Accessed [30 March 2012] ❖ Shoprite Holdings, 2009a ❖ Shoprite Holdings, 2009b. About our company [online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 April 2012 ]. ❖ Bharadwaj, A. (2000) A Resource Based Perspective on Information Technology and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation, MIS Quarterly. ❖ Broadbent, M., Weill, P., & St Claire, D. (1999) The implications of Information Technology Infrastructure for Business Process Redesign. ❖ Burgelman, R.,Christensen, C.& Wheelright,S. 2004. Strategic Management, Technology and Innovation. 4th ed. New York: McGraw Hill. ❖ Keen, P. G. W. (1991) Shaping the Future: Business Design through Information Technology, Harvard Business School Press, 1991. ❖ Palmer , D. (2010) A framework for strategic Innovation. ❖ Weill, P. & Ross, IT Governance (2004) How top managers manage IT decision rights for superior results, Harvard Business School Press.