The second degree is an Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) which is where you will be attending a community college for two years and you would be able to start working as a registered nurse or also known as RN. The last degree is the Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing (BSN) which is where you will graduate from a four year college and will be qualified to become a Nurse Practitioner, Certified Nurse Midwife, Clinical Nurse Specialist, or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. There are many colleges now that offers nursing majors/programs so its more convenient for many people. Doing research may help lead you to the right college to graduate with your LPN or ADN or BSN. The third step of becoming a nurse is SURVIVE! You need to survive all the work, classes, tests, experience and more! Becoming a nurse is not easy, especially when you are being educated so you will be ready to work as a nurse and take the big test. You will need to spend so much time in this major so no more hangouts with friends and families, no more parties, no more free time, and other things. It is tough to …show more content…
Well, there are so many reasons and they can all be pros or cons depending on the person. In my opinion I would say its more of a benefit than a deficit. A benefit is helping patients EVERYDAY! Your help to these patients are important to them and their families. When you help someone, don’t you feel proud of yourself? Another benefit is getting paid. Nurses earn quite a lot of money now compared to long ago. An annual income is around $70,000 and that’s a lot for one person! One more benefit is being needed. When you know someone needs you and you help them don’t you get that feeling of importance? Nurses are important and are much needed in hospitals. Now lets talk about some deficits. If you cant’t handle blood, needles, or anything that is sharp or gross, don’t consider this career as yours. You will see blood every single day as a nurse and one tool that nurses use most often is the needle. Needle and blood are combined together. When you need blood to be tested, the needle will be the tool they use to take blood out so if you can’t handle it, don’t work as a nurse or in this field. Another deficit is stress. Not only preparing to be a nurse at college is stressful but this job is overall stressful. Patients may not be polite to you because of their illness so just deal with it and move onto helping another patient. Last deficit is sad situations. When a patient you have been taking care of passes away, you can’t