Which can inhibit every day life. Concussions are a serious matter and need to be handled appropriately. Now should we stop playing sports that is a question that is above me to answer; because of the amount of money the NFL, NBA, MLB & other sports bring in each year due to ads and tickets sales. There has even been reports of the NFL covering up traces of people trying to bring up the topic of concussion. Since it is such a huge topic and controversial topic it needs to be fully investigated to insure the safety of millions around the world. Specifically, football players with the amount of contact they go through each
Which can inhibit every day life. Concussions are a serious matter and need to be handled appropriately. Now should we stop playing sports that is a question that is above me to answer; because of the amount of money the NFL, NBA, MLB & other sports bring in each year due to ads and tickets sales. There has even been reports of the NFL covering up traces of people trying to bring up the topic of concussion. Since it is such a huge topic and controversial topic it needs to be fully investigated to insure the safety of millions around the world. Specifically, football players with the amount of contact they go through each