
Informative Speech

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Informative Speech
Good morning everyone, this is Dharma Espresso. Today, we will talk about Hand Comforting.
Someone texted me and asked, "Dear Thay, how are Grief and Depression different?” Maybe you can search in Wikipedia or books for a better explanation. Today I will only give you a few examples.
Grief is situational sadness as in a result of a specific event happened. For example, when a loved one passed away, we grieved. There is a sense of emptiness, a feeling of familiarity that is gone, like something slipping from our hold, or loss of control. Grief often connects with physical stress; they go hand in hand. Stress is like the ebb and flow of the waves. Hence the sadness of grief will pass and in time will return us to our normal state. We should talk
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A depressed person cannot feel pleasure or happiness. They have no interest in anything. Depression seeped into their beings and changed how their body function. It affects their eating and sleeping habits, reduces their enjoyment or desires, and becomes a chronic state that makes them susceptible to illnesses. Depression is not a transitory state like the passing waves but somewhat more permanent. A depressed person often feels hopeless and suicidal. They only see darkness in their future. Negative feelings remain constant and affecting their mind hence they might need brain scanned, and medication to release them from this feeling of …show more content…
Doing so suffices to bring your mind out of negativity. From there, we imagine the light of the seed syllable radiates downward like the sweet dew from the top of your head flow into every cell in your body. The sweet dew travels from the brain over the facial skin and flesh down the neck, shoulders, and enters the body. It reaches the heart, lungs, diaphragm, liver, intestine, colon, stomach, kidneys, bladder and flows out through the legs and the ten toes like the sweet dew flushing out all the sadness and illnesses. From the shoulders, let the sweet dew run down the arms and out the ten fingertips. As you visualize, recite the Sweet Dew mantra: "Su lu, su lu, etc.," and your consciousness will begin to change. It's like cleansing the heart and the mind to rid ourselves of the heavy feeling and gloominess that weigh us down. We only need to do that for a few minutes each time and a few times a day, no need to prolong it for one or two hours in a sitting.
You should do this practice as soon as you experience grief. Don't dwell on the sadness until it becomes a depression. To keep on thinking about one thing is called looping, the same thoughts continue to cycle in your mind. Then you blame others, "so and so did this and said that therefore, etc." It's a vicious cycle that imprisons you. Hence the visualization of the Sweet Dew help to wash this affliction out of your body. The effect

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