Instead of jumping through symptoms and treatments, let’s first know what is and how you got diabetes. Understanding your disease and knowing it may probably help you with your battle ahead. Diabetes is a cluster of metabolic disease wherein the sugar level increases over a long period of time. To be more specific, diabetes is basically a disease involving the hormone secreted by the pancreas called Insulin. This hormones’ key function is to absorb glucose (derived from sugar) from the blood and turns it into skeletal muscle cells and fat. If the pancreas is unable to produce insulin, the level of blood sugar elevates, thus giving birth to the disease called Diabetes. Early warning and troublesome signs of having diabetes is polyphagia (increased appetite), polydipsia (increased thirst and fluid intake) and polyuria (increased urge of …show more content…
People diagnosed with type-1 diabetes are those that doesn’t produce insulin at all. Also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, early-onset diabetes or juvenile diabetes; this is common to people who are 40 years old and above but sometimes significant signs are seen on early teenage years to adulthood as well. This type of diabetes is not so common that only 10 percent of diabetes cases fall under this category. People diagnosed with type-1 diabetes live their entire life dependent on insulin shots, taking special diet plans and regular blood sugar