I. Introduction A. While we all must agree that catch phrases often get people’s attention and encourage a response, there are times in which we must step beyond the catch phrase and into the lives of people who are severely impacted or burdened by the issues we bring up. B. This is a speech that you should pay close attention to because Domestic Violence, and Teen Dating Violence are something that can somehow affect everyone. Whether that means a sister, a cousin, an aunt, a niece, or even your mom. C. Speaker credibility
D. Preview main points
II. Body
A. Main Point
1. Definition
2. Example
3. Principals and Counselors“In my 24 years as a school counselor, I have never witnessed a program as powerful and effective as Boys to Men. I have seen this program make remarkable changes in some of our toughest boys.” Bruce Crenshaw, Counselor, Spring Valley Middle School
B. Main Point
1. Mission statement (what are they doing) The organization has grown from a small, grassroots organization to a nationally recognized agency. WEAVE has been honored for its efforts by many organizations, including the Nonprofit Resource Center, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Governor, the Human Rights Fair Housing Commission, the Attorney General and the President of the United States. In 2011, WEAVE was awarded the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award - one of only a handful of Northern California recipients in the award's history.
2. Strategies (explanation of what thy’re doing) Today WEAVE implements a continuum of crisis intervention, therapeutic and prevention services to meet the unique needs of survivors, their families, and the community. WEAVE's services include 24 hour Support & Information Line, confidential emergency Safehouse, walk-in Triage services including a lethality assessment, therapeutic counseling services, legal advocacy, and youth and community prevention education programs.