Injury Prevention
Abstract On this paper we will review the formation of injury prevention coalition in Lincoln state. We will look at the ideal size, effects and impacts, member recruiting process, expectations, advantages and disadvantages of decision making, evaluation, resource management, leadership and organization of Lincoln State Injury Coalition (LSIC).
A coalition should be formed in Lincoln state to successfully tackle mortality rates attributed to injury, which is the fourth leading cause of death of Lincoln resident before age 65 (Turnock, 2009). The focus of LSIC should include primary functions like service delivery, planning and policy development, surveillance and assessment, and education and outreach in the community structures and program. LSIC should have a diverse group of participants with different skills set e.g. planning, project management, grant writing, decision making, communication etc; each member can contribute their particular expertise or resources to facilitate activities. LSIC can address community health hazard concerns while empowering or developing capacities. LSIC can also solve or improve the problem of high mortality rates attributed to injury by focusing on the risk groups and they can better coordinate services and improve working relationship among organizations. LSIC success is based on its members, recruiting the right member and their retention can make or break the coalition. Members also have to be active participants, communicate effectively amongst the group, mutually agree upon and recognized governance system, ability to recognize and deal with conflicts (Brownson, Baker & Novick, 1999). LSIC may also experience potential drawbacks like, a “slow, consensus-building process for decision making resulting in a weakened position on some issues and differences among the organizations that comprise the coalition may prevent it from taking strong stands on particular
References: Brownson, Ross C., Baker, Elizabeth A., Novick, Lloyd F. (1999) Community-based prevention: programs that work Gaithersburg, Md.: Aspen Publishers. Turnock, Bernard J. (2009). Public Health: What It Is and How It Works. Public Heath Spotlight on Injury Prevention (pp. 401-411) Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. "ORGANIZING A COMMUNITY HEALTH ADVOCACY COALITION." Oct. 1999. 9 Nov. 2012. <http://www.cwru.edu/med/epidbio/mphp439/Community_Health_Coalition.htm>. "Coalition Building." Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Prevention Resources. 9 Nov. 2012. <http://wch.uhs.wisc.edu/01-Prevention/01-Prev-Coalition.html>.