
Institutional Scholarship Analysis

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Institutional Scholarship Analysis
I am a rising third year student and am interested in a being considered for an institutional scholarship. I am from a lower middle class immigrant family, where neither one of my parents finished high school; however, they still firmly believe in the importance of education and constantly encourage me to make it my number one priority in life. Growing up, my family lived paycheck to paycheck and always struggled to make ends meet. My father actually just moved to Texas this past weekend because his job was relocated, and he had no other choice than to move because we would not be able to survive without his paycheck. I learned at a very young age that things would never be simply handed to me; if I want something done, then I need to work …show more content…
Whether it be reaching out to admitted students to answer any questions they have, to working for the MSP program alongside Dean Bravo-Weber. I have also served many leadership positions throughout the years from being a 1L rep for organizations to then being the president of APALSA, Stop VAW and secretary for PILF. Throughout my many positions or just by being a friendly and reliable face offering up my help, I was able to help plan and execute many events held at the school, such as the Buddy Mixer, Casino Night, Fiesta, MELA, Adopt-A-Family, PILF Auction, MSP banquet, Barristers, and Take Back the Night just to name a …show more content…
I am also part of the Sanctuaries for Families, Courtroom Advocates Project where we interview victims of domestic violence, assist them in drafting petitions for orders of protection, and accompany victims to court. I also am a teacher for the Street Law Program, where I taught weekly classes about specific area of law such as criminal law, with the end goal being able to have the students participate in a mock trial. Currently, I am the Editor-in-Chief of Volume 45 of the Rutgers Law Record, where I assist in editing and cite-checking various journal articles as well as overseeing and managing the operations of the

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