Dr. Purcell
SPED 510
Fall 2011
Abstract There has been a change in the identification of a person experiencing Mental Retardation to the term Intellectual Disability. There are several types of Cognitive Functions from mild to severe that coincide to people who have some form of Intellectual Disability that are viewed. The test of a person IQ is one of the main assessments that are used to diagnose a person experiencing an Intellectual Disability. People with Intellectual Disabilities experience Cognitive difficulties in: memory, reading, math, visual, speech, cognition, and meta-cognition. The research that was conducted from peer reviewed, full text, journal articles, from the (EBSCO) explores the identification change of terms and some causes of cognitive difficulties that associates with a person experiencing an Intellectual Disability. This paper was written to fulfill the course work required for SPED-510 Governors State University.
The hypothesis that people who experiences mental retardation normally have some type of mild to severe Cognitive Functions that are developed do to their mental or physical impairment. The authors states that the term mental retardation that is being used to classify this type of disability is changing into a new term Intellectual Disabilities. Because of the barriers and stigmas that was build around this term mental retardation, institutions, associations, and fields are adapting to the new term Intellectual Disabilities. By the new term being used, will the same diagnosis and definition still fit the criteria of the disability (Glidden, Greenspan, MacMillan, Siperstein & Leffeffert 2006; Schalock & Luckasson 2004; Switzky & Greenspan 2006b). Glidden, Greenspan, MacMillan, Siperstein & Leffeffert 2006; Schalock & Luckasson 2004; Switzky & Greenspan 2006b, which they state “There is considerable and intense discussion in the field of intellectual disability/mental retardation about the
References: Lichten, William & Simon, Elliot (2007). Defining Mental Retardation: A Matter of Life or Death Intellectual disabilities. Res Dev Disabl (2008). Doi:10.1016/jridd.2008.08.006 Schalok, Robert, L., Luckasson, Ruth, A., Shogren, Karren, A., Borthwick-Duffy, Sharon Thompson, James., R. Verdugo, Miguel,. A. Wehmeyer, Michael, L. and Yeager, Mark, (2007)