By Omar Javaid
Merriam-Webster Online defines prostitution as the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money , and Prostitute as a person who offers indiscriminately, for sexual interaction especially for money OR a devotee to corrupt or unworthy purposes . Oxford Concise Dictionary also states similar definition . In the light of these definitions, this profession is promiscuous, I say that it is the ugliest profession on the face of this planet and degrades the person involved to unimaginably demoralized and debauched state. But to feel like wise, one needs an enlightened and alive moral sense. But that’s a serious problem today because an enlightened and alive moral sense is hard to find in today’s economically rational world. According to R.W.Fevre; in secular societies such as America, morality has been hollowed out by common sense and economic rationality; only its façade remains, deceiving for its presence .
In Economically enlightened society’s prostitution as a profession (low skill and high pay) provides an economically feasible alternative to an economically inefficient procreational method called marriage . Its presence can be rationalize from a simple equation of demand and supply, its natural demand exists in form of sexual appetite of males mostly and supply exist in the form of morally and economically deprived females, who are economically dissatisfied by other professions which are morally viable but economically unfeasible for their living standards . In some Asian countries such rationalities have practically proven to be astonishingly economically efficient for the country and have provided a healthy supply for a massive international demand, raised by economically conscious secular societies. Thai sex industry is a genuine and horrifying example. Wikipedia Encyclopedia states:
“Estimates of the number of prostitutes in Thailand vary widely and are subject to controversial