“The intent to live, Achieving your true potential as an actor”, By Larry Moss
The book is referred to as intent to live because most of the great actors who perform the acting seem not to be acting but living. This is depicted on how they portray their act; very real from the eyes of the audience. Larry moss has described these instances in this book on how the actors can achieve this level of acting by sharing out the techniques he has developed for over thirty years. As per Larry Moss description, the techniques highlighted can help actors in setting their imagination, emotions and behaviors on fire. These shows how hard work of preparation is helpful in performances that will yield good fruits. This great work done by Larry Moss has been helpful to many actors in the senses that; the actors are able to connect personally with the scripts developed by their characters and is able to overcome their fear and inhibition. The actors are also in a position to master the technical skills that are essential for success in movies and theatre. As per the content of this book, Larry Moss is there to instruct and inspire the actors. The book is very helpful for the actors whether they act for a living or simply they want a deeper understanding of great acting. Larry Moss has described new elements in this book on how they can be applied in an acting scene so that acting can be grateful. He has also portrayed on how this new elements can be reflected on the growth of an actor and also change the actor’s approach on acting. The elements descriptions are portrayed in the following paragraphs;
Overcoming fear and relaxation is one of the elements described by Larry Moss in this book. As per the description depicted in this context, an actor should be relaxed in front of the audience. Relaxation is seen as a complex subject by Larry Moss in the sense that it is difficult to differentiate between emotional tension and muscular tension. From this