Heather Huerta
Early Childhood Education as a Profession
November 18, 2012
Mrs. Kirst
Intentional Teaching I think that they activity shows that she understands child development at this age, because she knew what was going to interest the child. She came up with an age appropriate activity that holds the interest of the child, and challenges him to figure out how it works on his own. Hands on activities are always the best way to learn with children, and it is fun to watch them figure out how to do it on their own with the enthusiasm. The teacher shows that she know the child as an individual, because she answers him correctly and asks him questions to continue the conversation. She can carry on a conversation with him without him losing interest, and he looks to her for answers. She understands what he wants and what he is trying to do. She matches her tone of enthusiasm to his and knowing what he is communicating to her. He knows that she will help him, and guide him in the right direction with the activity. She thought out the activity because she understands how the activity works successfully, and how to keep the child interested. She knew what was needed to make the activity a success, and nailed every bit of the activity. She knew what would interest the child, and how to make it work with what she had. It was a very simple activity that need very few items, and it stimulates a child in a great way with learning cause and effect. I think that if the teach had a ball of her own as well and casually playing “hide and seek” with the light shining on the ball until he understands it. When he is looking around put the ball in the light, and when he looks to see where it is coming from hide it. I think at that point he will try to do the same. I think asking different questions to guide him in a way to succeed would work as well, “What if you put the ball in the light?” “What happens if you take