To: Supervisory Team
From: Sales Manager
Date: 7/26/2009
Re: Training and Mentoring Program
The purpose of this memo is to address the training and mentoring program that will be implemented as a result of the recent merger with EnviroTech. As a part of this transition, the company has decided to provide training to all the personnel selected for the new sales team. This memorandum will outline how the needs of the training and mentoring program, the objectives of training and mentoring program, performance standards, contents for training and mentoring, delivery methods for training and mentoring, time-frame to incorporate and complete the training program, evaluation methods used to evaluate the training, feedback and alternative avenues for further development for those who need it.
Training and Mentoring Needs
As a result of the recent merger of both the InterClean and EnviroTech, management has decided that the new sales team will need extensive training in order to ensure the company moves forward effectively and efficiently. Because of the company’s new strategic approach, more industry focused knowledge is needed. While training ensures that employees receive information they need in an organized and detailed fashion, it doesn’t offer an opportunity for one-on-one interaction and detailed information on specific issues of concern over time as these issues arise. This is where mentoring comes in (Atkinson, 2002). More extensive training will be provided for salespersons which will focus on environmental regulations, OSHA standards, and sanitation standards as it pertains to this specific industry. Management has determined that it is essential for salespersons to undergo extensive training in sales and communication as well as training customer satisfaction training. Sales representatives will be required to share knowledge gained from this training and mentoring program with their existing and potential customers.
References: A Dictionary of Business and Management. Ed. Jonathan Law. Oxford University Press, 2009. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Apollo Group. Retrieved on July 19, 2009, from Oxford Reference Online database. Atkinson, William (2002). Mentoring Programs Pick Up Where Training Leaves Off Garvey, Bob and Geof, Alred (2000). Developing Mentors. Career Development International McNamara, C., MBA, PhD (1997-2008). Basic Guide to Program Evaluation. Authenticy Consulting, LLC. Tabbron, A., Macaulay, S., and Cook, S. (1997). Making Mentoring Work. Training for Quality; 5(1)