1.0 Introduction
International Human Resources Management (IHRM) is a process of managing, recruiting, developing and providing direction to the peoples in an international organization. IHRM involves the global management of people and is used to select, allocate, and utilize human resources effectively in an international context like managing peoples who works overseas. IHRM is an activity to manage work force internationally in an organization and ensure the company achieve their goals. The performance of IHRM is actually same like HRM but in international form like recruitments, developing, compensation, performance management, benefits, employee motivation, training and more. IHRM has to address a wide range or HRM activities and solve HRM issues that’s more than a country. IHRM has a greater exposure to risk in International assignments and have to manage a wide range of external factors like government regulation and policy of different country. IHRM is very important for an organization because it helps the organization to build integration between Human Resources policies and practices in different territory to achieve organizational goals.
1.1 Reason for the rise in the importance of IHRM
The reason for the rise in the importance of IHRM is to understand the reason why there’s an increase of interests in IHRM. The rapid growth of the international competition and globalization is the reason why IHRM is so important until Multinational Corporations (MNC) is increasing the number to contribute the growing importance of the IHRM. From many research, the effectiveness of human resources management is the key point to determine whether the international businesses is success of fail. Besides that, the quality of the management is also an important factor to determine the success or failure of an international business. IHRM has become an important role when the number of manager with international experiences has decreasing in the market
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