As organizations continue to pursue more global strategies, the need to be able to understand consumers in far away places is increasing. Marketing research is the primary mechanism through which companies understand their current, as well as potential, customers. As companies contemplate the global marketplace, they must consider how domestic market research differs when conducted in international markets. In an effort to help internal client side marketing research managers design and implement improved international research studies, we briefly discuss the context for international market research and provide a framework for conducting international market research projects. Additionally, we present several factors that should be considered by marketers who engage in global market research studies. These factors represent the variety of challenges that must be addressed in order to conduct research across national borders. Particular attention is paid to the nuances related to primary data collection and questionnaire construction. 1. Marketing research goes global
Similarities exist between market research process of domestic and internatioonal markets.
The major differences between the two involve disparities that spring from political, legal, economic, social and cultural differences across countries
2. The importance of international marketing research
Competition enforces the need for crafting well-targeted strategies
Companies need to uncover information for intl custyomers needs and wants
Companies candesign better products at lesser cost if they understand the needs in advance it costs six times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep a current customer thius we need market research INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH PROCESS
a. Setting research objectives
Like its domestic counterpart, the international market research process begins with a clear understanding of the