Fonetyka i fonologia
American English Allophones
1. Aspiration
Rule: Voiceless stops are aspirated in the following context: stressed syllable initially before a vowel. The rule applies inside words.
2. Nasal Plosion
Rule: Stops have a nasal plosion before nasals. The rule applies inside words and across word boundaries.
@SArp≤ @naIf
3. Lack of Plosion.
Rule: Oral stops have no plosion before a stop or an affricate. The rule applies inside words and across word boundaries.
@sEk´nd| @tHŒrn
@DQt| @tSŒrtS
4. Glottalization.
Rule: When immediately preceding a syllabic /n/, the /t/ is often dropped and a glottal stop inserted.
i@ /n2
5. Assimilation of Coronal Noncontinuants (/t d n l/).
Rule: Coronal noncontinuants (that is, /t d n l/) assume the place of articulation of the following coronal consonant. The rule applies inside words and across word boundaries. That is:
a. they become dental before dentals: /T D/
e@ It5T
@tHEn5 @TIk
@tHEl5 @DEm
b. they remain alveolar before alveolars.
c. they become postalveolar before postalveolars: /r/
@DQt= @roUd
d. they become palato-alveolar before palato-alveolars: /S Z tS dZ/
@dEd @dZ√dZ
@ Qt @tSŒrtS
Note: If there is a sequence of the above mentioned sounds immediately preceding the context causing retraction, the whole sequence undergoes retraction.
´n5d5 @DEn
@kHoUl=d= @reIn
s@ Ent @Suz
6. Velarization.
Rule: Dark /lÚ/ (velarized /lÚ/) appears in all contexts in American English. Dark /lÚ/ is pronounced like clear /l/ but additionally the back part of the tongue is raised towards the velum. Velarization is the process of raising the back part of the tongue towards the velum.
7. Partial Devoicing of Obstruents.
a. Voiced obstruents get half