scored within the profound range for articulation at the single word level where she was noted to substitute errors including: oh/er, w/r. The Khan Lewis Phonological Analysis-3 (KLPA-3) was additionally utilized to analyze her speech production at the phonological level. Information from standardized and non-standardized assessments revealed a phonological process disorder to include the following processes: vowelization and gliding of liquids. Based on the findings, O.D. was coded with a diagnosis of F80.0 phonological disorder.
Diagnosis Background A phonological disorder is a type of speech sound disorder involving the difficulty in organization of phonemes, resulting in omissions, substitutions, additions, distortions, or simplification of speech sounds. These speech difficulties often impact speech intelligibility and effective communication (ASHA, n.d.). Symptomatic, O.D. - a symptomatic condition. presents with vowelization and gliding of the /r/ phoneme, which both have been described as being mastered by ages 6-7 in typical developing children (Pea-Brooks & Hegde, 2015). Vowelization is the phonological process where the /r/ is typically substituted with a vowel sound or approximation (i.e., producing “car” as