1. Abstract in english………………………………………………………3
2. Indledning……………………………………………………………….3
3. Terrorisme……………………………………………………………....4
1. Civilterror…………………………………………………….4
2. Statsterror…………………………………………………….6
3. Hvorfor terrorisme?.................................................................7
4. al-Qaeda terroristerne – hvem er de og hvor kommer de fra?..........11
5. Terroristbekæmpelse – kampen mod radikalisering………………..15
6. Konklusion……………………………………………………………..19
7. Litteraturliste…………………………………………………………..21
8. Bilag…………………………………………………………………….22
Jeg skal i det følgende redegøre for forskellige definitioner af begrebet terrorisme. Videre vil jeg, med udgangspunkt i World Trade Center katastrofen, give en forklaring på hvorfor nogle personer bliver terrorister. Til at belyse dette har jeg valgt at inddrage sociologisk teori – herunder social arv. Til sidst diskuterer jeg, hvordan terrorisme kan forebygges – her har jeg inddraget forskellige opfattelser af international politik.
1. Abstract in english
In my project I am dealing with the highly problematic complex of modern international terrorism. Thus I begin by presenting the reader with various definitions of the concept of “terrorism”. I have focused on a two-fold branching, on the one hand we have “state terrorism” exemplified by Germany during Nazi rule 1933-1945, the Soviet Union before, during and after Stalin’s terror regime 1917-1989; and Chile during the USA supported rule of General Augusto Pinochet 1973-1990. On the other hand I have focused on “civil terrorism”, which makes up the discussion in the remaining of the project. With civil terrorism as my frame I have furthermore written about why some people become terrorists and what governments can do to combat it.