As we move into a new era, the Internet has revolutionized society in terms of economy, education, technology, and more. In the early days of internet presence in Malaysia, its ability is limited compared to today. Internet users in this age can already do almost everything and do even just sitting at home facing the computer screen equipped with access to the Internet. In fact, it has become an important requirement for some individuals.
The development of Internet in Malaysia started in 1983 by Dr Mohamed Awang-Lah when it comes to his idea of connecting Malaysia to the outside world via the Internet in the laboratory of the University of Malaya Library. In 1984, he was inducted into the Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems (MIMOS). The Government has developed MIMOS, and this has opened up opportunities for the IT literate at that time to use the Internet.
In 1989, local universities have been using computer networks Malaysia (RANGKOM) that connects the library facilities, also introduced by Dr Mohamed Awang-Lah. It was later expanded to support the private sector, but only put pressure on the email, and e-forums as a first step in the Internet even though it has the ability to communicate and share information using the internet. Then, Joint Advanced Integrated Network (JARING) was launched in 1991. JARING main objective is to expand the national communications network in an integrated and comprehensive. The project was later inducted into the RANGKOM JARING project.
MIMOS manage the JARING network as a key project in the Ninth Malaysia Plan-6.JARING is connected to all academic institutions, government agencies, and private companies in Malaysia. It is also connected to the internet. To meet the needs of users in Malaysia, in 1996, Telekom Malaysia TM Net has introduced a second Internet line in 2000 and later, other companies also started to introduce Internet services such as Maxis Communications Berhad and DiGi