Unit 30: Internet Marketing
Unit code: D/601/1102
Assignment Brief
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
1 Understand marketing through the internet
2 Be able to use the internet for promotion using digital marketing communications
3 Be able to produce market research to support customer relationship management
4 Be able to design an internet marketing plan.
|Learning outcomes: |Assessment criteria for pass: The learner can: |Evaluation checklist |
|On successful completion of this unit a | | |
|learner will | | |
|LO1 Understand marketing through the |1.1 explain the elements of internet marketing |Presenting & Reporting research studies|
|internet. |1.2 evaluate the internet marketing mix |& analysis |
| |1.3 compare internet marketing tools – e-tools | |
| |1.4 examine interactive order processing | |
|LO2 Be able to use the internet for |2.1 demonstrate the mechanics of search engine |Demonstrating tools & development |
|promotion using digital marketing |marketing | |
|communications |2.2 write the copy for a suitable opt-in email | |
| |marketing newsletter | |