1.1 Background
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is four years bachelor degree program. It has been regarded as a course of study which is a blend of Management with Information Technology. It is designed in such a way that it aims to develop business and management skills necessary to become an effective human resource in managerial field as well as business leader and entrepreneur. The degree offers diversified theoretical knowledge as well as practical applications. The program enables an individual to become a competent, skilled, and confident and result oriented professional in today’s competitive world. It emphasizes problem solving competencies and skills which are very supportive in the organizations. It also improves critical and creative thinking, analytical ability and communication and presentation skills. As the curriculum implemented by T.U for BBA 8th semester, the internship assignment is compulsory which covers marks. For the completion of BBA, students are required to perform internship individually. This internship, students are supposed to undertake for eight weeks, target to train and prepare students to learn real life working environment. Internship makes fresh students aware with the market and helps them to learn organizational culture, working procedure and real life challenges.
This project entitled “Total Productive Maintenance (5S)” has been prepared for the fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor in business administration (BBA), Tribhuwan University.
1.2 Objectives of the Report
The major objectives of this project are to learn about the Companying in the real world. Real world is quite different from the world of book. What studied in the books is difficult to implement in the real world until a correct supervision and observation of the real world scenario is done. This project mainly helped to observe all the real world aspects of Companying and providing operating services.
Bibliography: Dr. Santosh R. poudyal, Gopal Man Pradhan, Kedar P. Bhandari (1st edition, 2064) Principles of MANAGEMENT, Asmita Publication, Bhotahity, Kathmandu Seminar report, Universal College, 2012 Websites: