Use this dropbox to submit your Interview Reaction Paper 1. Students are expected to read the posted interviews and write a 2-page, typed summary on how the interviewee’s responses will apply to their foodtruck / photojournal project(s).
Background information for this case:
*FIU has given The Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management permission and $200,000 seed money to build a food truck.
*The food truck has permission to use FIU Biscayne Bay Campus (BBC) grounds (behind the HM building only) from Monday – Friday, 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM. The truck does not have to be operating there the entire time, but must operate on FIU BBC each weekday at some point during those hours.
*The truck cannot remain on FIU proper outside of these hours and must be stored off-campus.
*The $200,000 seed money should include: truck purchase and conversion or retrofitting, food purchases, permits, gas, prep space rental and storage fees.
*Purveyors normally require payment within 2 weeks of purchase and require $20,000 in the bank PLUS a location to deliver (they will not deliver directly to the truck).
*Food trucks typically pair up with a restaurant to use prep space as the trucks are too small in which to prep; prep work done in a kitchen that is not inspected by the USDA is illegal.
Your Food Truck needs to have:
*Concept, truck name, cuisine & menu with pricing (≥ 8 items) (it is possible to have multiple menus)
*A detailed marketing plan
*Solutions for: prep space, off-hour storage of truck, prices for used truck & equipment conversion
*Estimated labor schedule & labor cost
*Estimated food cost & selling prices
*Evidence of competition and/or