Disney is a famous international company around the world. Not only for the production of cartoon and Disneyland, but also the effort that it have made in sustainable development. Disney has made high efficiency collaboration with Nature Conservancy-a famous environmental protection organization. They have worked closely with each other for decades to create the Disney Wilderness Preserve (DWP) in central Florida (“Working with Companies”, n.d.). Their collaboration was a success (“Florida, the Disney Wilderness Preserve”, n.d.), bringing positive outcomes for both business corporation and environmental protection. The research question of our group is: How Disney achieve a highly efficient collaboration with the Nature Conservancy?
Disney is willing to devote a large number of money to the protection of environment with other organization, but it is a challenge for both Disney and other organization to achieve their target and high efficiency collaboration. As pointed out by Getha-Taylor (2012), “Trust is a foundational element for effective collaboration.” Without trust, Disney would not choose to partner with the Nature Conservancy. They need to make a same goal in collaboration. Besides, equal power is an important consideration for Disney and Nature Conservancy to start their programs. The high quality of value co-creation is based on the high integration and organization of resources as well as active mobilization and passion of partners. In this report, literature review and conceptual Framework will be the first part. This part is designed to review the literature that related to the research question and topic. Besides, it will outline some key ideas and theories for the collaboration between Disney and other organizations. Each literature review of team members will be selected to make an integrated which are related to the research question and topic. Then the team will draw a connection between the literature review and data coding