Mary was singled out and accused by the people during those times as a prostitute and they were about to stone her or do her some harm as a form of punishment for her actions. These people must have thought that they were pretty cool as they were all so willing to pass judgment on this woman. Just as they were about to kill her, another person by the name of Jesus piped up and said to this crowd something like 'whoever among you who has not done anything wrong in their past, you throw the first stone' or something like that. Not one in that mob was willing to make the first move. They all left probably mumbling in their beards. Jesus was supposed to have been a bit of a holy man himself and he told Mary that He also was not about to condemn her. I'm pretty sure He would have recommended her to go and maybe consider another line of work.
Though simplistic in its delivery, this story has not changed much over the centuries. There are still those people who sell themselves for sex. There are still those people willing to pass judgment on what these people do even though they have no idea of the reasons why these people are in this predicament in the first place. There is still the associated violence, the victims and those willing to forgive.
As old as the hills, prostitution today takes more forms than ever before. Around the world the sex industry presents many faces. Male or female, prostitutes are still shunned and labelled whores or hookers. Those who buy it are seen as sleazy or immoral. From the low end of the scale in the slums of a third world country to a legalized brothel at the high end of the scale do opinions on prostitution change? Are prostitutes