Sex trade workers have develop a organizations and other special interest groups to advocate for themselves. These organization advocate for sex trade workers to gain rights as business women. Organization like Cast Off Your Old Tires (COYOTE) and Dump Obsolete Laws-Prove Hypocrisy Isn't Necessary (DOLPHIN) work towards these changes and by using women’s own voices to be heard. (Beran, 2012).
“The second voice— sex workers and their allies—is louder, commands more media presence, and seems to enjoy more financial support. It proclaims that prostitution is a woman’s right and a form of productive labor, and that the …show more content…
39). In a recent study, it was reported that 85% to 95% of women involved in the sex industry want to leave, but see not option or have a choice to leave. That survivors of the sex trade work explain 'disgusting,' 'abusive,' and 'like rape,' and [explain] that they learned to cope with it by disassociating themselves from their bodies or by using drugs and alcohol to numb physical and emotion pain (Beran, 2012 p. 41). Ultimately radical feminist want to eliminate and abolish sex trade, by policies work. This will protect women’s rights over their bodies, empowering women, and reduce the dominance the men have over