Loss of Income:
Companies can easily lose income if their computer systems shut down. When the system shuts down, no actions can be done, meaning no orders can be accepted. In this way it is very likely that the organisation will lose customers, also money or maybe get a very bad reputation. So when upgrading or installing a new software there is a miner chance of this happening, as it is not that easy to shut the whole system down. If this happened, it would have a severe impact for a company. They would lose a lot of money fixing it, as well as losing customers and their reputation. Also time needed to fix the software. There are many ways of minimising risks, Creating a backup file should be done before changes are being made, new software installation” as if anything goes wrong, the files can be reinstated which can save time. So it is easy to create a backup file, as you can choose what you want to backup and where you want to save it.
Next is low risk time installation this is another way of minimising risks as you can carefully choose what time the installation starts, so it has to be planned before. The most suitable time to do it would be the weekend as this will give you time testing or restoring any data. Lastly is …show more content…
Low risk time installation is another way of minimising risks as you can choose the time for the installation. So again the best time would be on the weekend, as there wouldn’t be that many people on. And the final one is the Pilot deployment as this would be useful to see if the installation is running well, as again working side by side with the old software. So to see if anything goes wrong and only one department may be