(We do not communicate with string and two tin cans, anymore)
The workshop will be designed to bring and introduction level to Cisco Jabber software which is new innovated software developed as a messaging application that brings together presence, IM, voice and video, voicemail, desktop sharing and conferencing into one product that will be available for a plethora of desktop and mobile devices across different platforms such as Windows PC, Mac & Linux tablets and smartphones. The work shop will bring to the learner or student, the new idea of Telepresense, where all forms of media videoconferencing, chat, email, desktop sharing, and traditional audio telephone are all done through one device. Our audience shall be adult learners since we are encouraging them to bring Jabber information back to their place of business and incorporate it as a single source solution to all media communication. They must be very proficient in video and audio communication since we are going to teach them in combining a multitude of media through Jabber. The workshop size cannot exceed 12 learners because of the complexity of the material being taught. The workshop should not exceed 4 hours (½ day workshop as an intro) so that the learners can grasp the unfamiliar course content. We must remember that this is something strikingly new from the combining of all media. The learners may be familiar with each media separately but now this will be an all-encompassing combination. Though Jabber is a platform that fundamentally the same across all platforms we must take into account that some learners might only be familiar with one type of device OS. We must provide tablets (Mac & Windows) for the learners during the workshop and 2 Desktop computer devices (Apple & Windows) that they can share the file sharing or conferencing which they are familiar with. We will not be allowed to use their own devices since this is not uniform for the entire