Center for American Education/Singapore
MAN2021: Introduction to Management
Instructor: Mr Stewart Lau
Contact:; 6223-4566
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to the study of management, designed to allow the students to have a better understanding of its concepts and principles. Emphasis is placed on the management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Principles of scientific management, motivation, and economic analysis are studied relative to their use in business decisions.
Course topics include: *Management; Objectives and plans; Management by objectives and approaches to planning; Management decision-making. *The Organizing Function: Process and structure; Staffing and organization; Informal organization and motivation. *Effective Leadership, Organization and Climate: Change and development; Organizational communication; Management and control. *Production and Operation Management I and II: Managing small businesses; Managing the multinational enterprise; Corporate social responsibility and business ethics.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to have a full understanding of the concepts and the principles of management. The students should be able to develop an ability to analyze and apply management concepts to solve management problems at any given business situation in the most professional manner.
Student Grading and Evaluation:
Two term papers (20% each): 4-6 pages, double-spaced
Class Attendance (5%)
Class Discussion and Participation (10%)
Quizzes (20%)
Group Project (20%)
Project Presentation (5%)
Final Examination (20%)
Paper Assignments:
Each paper must be between 5-6 pages in length, double-spaced. Each paper should include citations and a bibliography. The lecturer should