Completed by Learner
Use this form to record details of activities (tick as appropriate)
Observed by your assessor/Expert Witness
Witness Testimony
Self Reflective Account
Professional Discussion
Candidate Name:
Performance Evidence
Date of Activity:- 20th August 2012
Assessment Criteria/
Learning Outcomes
Understand what is required for competence in own work role.
The duties and responsibilities of my own role include treating others with respect, the effective communication between both patients and my colleagues, and, the safety and comfort of patients. I provide patients with a ‘helping hand’ by assisting them when necessary. I also help others by observing and reporting any concerns to my line manager. I do not impose my own views upon patients as I hold a non-judgemental attitude in my approach to work and I am always aware of and actively listen to any concerns and/or issues that patients have.
Standards that influence the way my role is carried out include following organisational policies, for example, Code of Conduct, Professional Boundaries, Confidentiality Policies, Regulations, Minimum Standards, National Occupational Standards and all legal requirements.
Being aware of own personal attitudes and beliefs, being open and understanding to others attitudes and beliefs and respecting the differences between own and others
Being able to reflect on own work activities.
Reflecting on your own work activities is an important way to develop knowledge, skills and practice as you need to be able to identify and understand any possible discrepancies between your own work practice, and, organisational and legal practice in order to update yourself on any information that you are not aware of so that you can complete your position to the best of your abilities, following all legal and professional boundaries.
I am continuously assessing how well my own knowledge, skills