Introduction To Technical Report Writing
Technical report writing is a practical writing that people do as a part of their jobs. It is a different form of writing, both different from and similar to other forms of writing. Technical writing both analyzes and explains in order to communicate with the reader.
1. Technical Report Writing aims to get work done, to change people by changing the way they do things. (Killingsworth and Gilbertson) 2. The most critical skill required in today’s business world is the ability to communicate, both verbally and in writing. Effective communication has a direct impact on one’s potential within an organization.” (Bob Collins) 3. Document that records the procedure adopted and results obtained from a scientific or technical activity or investigation. 4. Technical Writing is a specialized, structured way of writing, where information is presented in a format and manner that best suits the psychological needs of the readers, so that they can respond to a document as its author intended and achieve the purpose related to that document. The process of gathering information from experts and presenting it to an audience in a clear, easily understandable form is called technical writing. 5. Technical Writing is the presentation of information that helps the reader solves a particular problem. Technical communicators write, design and edit proposal, web pages, lab reports, newsletters and many other kinds of professional documents.
Purpose of TRW
Technical report wring is intended to communicate to a specific audience for a specific purpose. Its purpose is to link in you and your boss, you and clients, you and vendors and you and co-workers. Technical writing creates action. When you write successfully a technical correspondence, someone on the other end responds. The purpose of your report and your sense of audience creates tone.
PURPOSE (Document) + AUDIENCE (Technical Supervisor /