Outcome 1: Understand the factors that impact on an individual with sensory loss and steps that can be taken to overcome these
There are a range of factors, both negative and positive that can occur with an individual with sensory loss. A positive factor can be that the individual will gain a lot of support to help them deal with their sensory loss and how they will be able to move forward. Negative factors are that the individual won’t be able to perform activities they may have been able to do so in the past, for example general duties around the house or performing hobbies they enjoy etc.
Steps that can be taken to overcome factors that have a negative impact on an individual with a sensory loss are things such as aids to help them adjust with their sensory loss, for example a hearing aid for an individual with hearing loss, a walking aid for someone with a sight loss.
Individuals with a sensory loss can be disabled by attitudes and beliefs as people assume because they have a sensory loss they should be treated differently. For example an individual with a hearing loss, people will assume they need to shout so this individual can hear them when as a fact they are able to lip read etc.
To overcome disabling attitudes and beliefs is to basically educate the individual about sensory loss.
Outcome 2: Understand the importance of effective communication for individuals with sensory loss
When communicating with an individual with a sight loss, people need to consider how much if any that the individual can see. Once this is established then they will know the best way to communicate with the individual whether this be with talking to the individual or using touch. Also the same with an individual with a hearing loss, whether they need to use pictures as the individual may not hear at all, or to use a loud tone of voice but making sure they are not shouting at the individual. When communicating with an individual with deafblindness, people need to consider that the individual hasn’t got what most people use to communicate with. There are ways around this as these individuals learn to communicate with their other senses such as touch and smell.
Effective communication can have a positive impact on lives of individuals with sensory loss as they will feel they are able to communicate with others, as they will have aids or ways of being able to communicate. Also if the individual is becoming ill they will be able to communicate with someone to tell them what is wrong. The individual may also become happier within themselves as they are able to communicate.
Information can be made accessible to an individual with a sensory loss as there are different aids available, such as audio books for those individuals with a sensory loss. Individuals with a hearing loss may be able to read, also Braille is available to use, and this may be used by an individual with both a hearing and sight loss.
Outcome 3: Know the main causes and conditions of sensory loss
The main causes of sensory loss can be due to old age, as some older people can become hard of hearing. Also cataracts can be a cause of sight loss along with old age. Another cause could be that the individual has a medical issue which has caused them to have a sensory loss, such as being born with a number of problems which can cause a sensory loss.
The difference between congenital and acquired sensory loss is that congenital sensory loss is when an individual is born with a sensory loss whereas acquired sensory loss has developed as a result of ageing, serious injury or illness.
45% of the general public is likely to have a sensory loss.
Outcome 4: know how to recognise when an individual may be experiencing sight and/or hearing loss
Indicators and signs of:
Sight loss: bumping into things when walking, falling over a lot. Sitting too close to the TV, when reading having the book or newspaper too close to the face.
Hearing loss: having the TV on a loud volume, getting people to repeat themselves because they have not heard.
Deafblindness: all of the above listed.
Additional advice and support of sensory loss can be sourced from the individuals GP. There are also charities out there that offer support to individuals with sensory loss.
Outcome 5: know how to report concerns about sensory loss
When concerns arise that an individual may have a sight and/or hearing loss we report them to our office to report our concerns, also maybe express them to the individual’s family that we have concerns.