A single sport, could winning a rugby match unify the social imbalance? Nelson Mandela believed harmony could be achieved only if the Springboks won the world cup. With such social discord hanging in the balance, Mandela decided to bring inspiration to a team that needed to be uplifted. Mandela risking his political capital, lobbied against ending the Springboks team as a peace offering to their fellow South African neighbors. Such an inspiring act should be noted due to the potential negative publicity that could ensue. Mandela used inspiring words to dissuade a virulent crowd into making a potentially dooming decision. If the Springboks team had been removed, it would with certainty cripple the social boundaries that were already being threatened. Nelson Mandela stated, “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner”. Moving forward was the ultimate goal for Mandela yet there were many social issues holding South Africa back.
“If there are dreams about a beautiful South Africa, there are also roads that lead to their goal. Two of these roads could lead to goodness and forgiveness”. When Mandela uttered these words, he was speaking about human altruism through innate experience. Does it not bring additional meaning when a man rises from prisoner to president? If you can forgive your fellow neighbor and forgive our country for our sins, we may move forward in our development as a country. These are truly selfless words coming from a man who should very well resent the political system. Mandela always displayed great human compassion for his country and put his personal needs aside. Mandela asserted, if you put your personal needs higher than your countries, you were not fit to be a leader and put your citizens at great risk. In fact, Mandela donated most of his salary to charity to support a lead by example approach. It is on rare occasion when the president of a nation can present true selfless behavior by means of example. Nelson Mandela wanted to lift the spirits of the losing Springboks rugby team so he devised a plan. The plan involved knowing each and every player's name to create a bond of trust. After all, how could you begin to inspire a team if you don't know the players? Nelson Mandela once said, “It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership”. In a sense, Mandela was leading from behind and putting the Springboks on the front lines of a battle. Yet this was far more than a rugby match, it symbolized peace and concord amongst a nation.
While the apartheid may have ended before Mandela was voted President, racial imbalance still loomed in the shadows. It was through Mandela's efforts that a nation was clearly able to rise up against oppression. This cannot be achieved by simplicity and kindness as it takes a truly intelligent leader to persevere when the odds are stacked against you. Such intelligence is demonstrated when Mandela decides to remember the names of each and every player on the Springboks rugby team. As the leader of a nation, Mandela understood the ramifications of losing the Springboks team and did everything in his power to lobby against the disbanding of the organization. Such acts of foresight can only be attributed to intelligence and other endearing qualities that a natural leader should possess. By creating a sense of trust and familiarity with the players, Mandela has already started a brilliant plan in moving his country in the right direction. Once the Springboks win their first game, this presents a climatic change during he movie. The win reinforces trust between a team and their leader and continues to grow as the season comes to an end with the Springboks winning their final match. It was the great foresight that truly makes Nelson Mandela one of the most intelligent leaders our world has ever laid eyes upon. After the Springboks win their final match, a major turning point in the movie presents itself. It now becomes clear that the racial boundaries have been lifted and Mandela's tactical efforts have come to fruition. South Africa now represented a country where no race is discriminated against and all citizens are created equal.
In conclusion, Nelson Mandela has proved to be one of the most influential leaders in history. Rising from rags to riches, prisoner to president, Mandela has proven to be a true inspiration for all of humanity. Against all odds, Mandela united his people and concreted the termination of apartheid. “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart”. A president should always speak from the heart and put his personal needs far away from the citizens. Mandela was the epitome of a selfless leader and bestowed widespread unity amongst his people. The world will always remember Nelson Mandela's collaborative efforts and will forever be inspired.