Sexual assault is a horrific crime. Sexual abuse can be verbal or physical. Sexual harassment can also be a form of sexual abuse. Many people believe sexual assault should be a crime severely punished. When one examines the stories of Kori Cioca, Michael Matthews, and Hannah Sewell he realizes sexual in the military should be severely punishable.
One of the first reasons sexual assault in the military should be severely punished is the story of Michael Matthew’s story. The film illustrates Michael’s story in great detail. It is terrifying. He was a man in the Air Force victimized by the licentious acts of these sexual assaulters. Michael was raped by two men while he was on duty. Michael went through several failed marriages. He also attempted suicide a number of times in result of his assault. Evidently, he was severely affected. Michael’s abusers have also never been prosecuted and justice has never been served.
The second reason sexual assault in the military should be severely punished Kori Cioca. The film exemplifies that Kori was a Coast Guard in Michigan. As illustrated in the movie, while on duty, Kori Cioca was raped by her Sargent She was abused and physically assaulted as well. She now has a permanently dislocated jaw that cannot be repaired and it is sitting on her nerves. Kori has tried to deal with her assault in many ways. She has attempted to receive justice by going to the Veterans Administration. She continues to be denied with her disability. Her life has been damaged by this horrible event. Clearly, her sexual assault has ruined her life completely and now she is struggling to stay positive for her daughter. This is one example of why sexual assault should be severely punished. Assault victims would feel more comfortable knowing their attacker has been punished and is not able to hurt another person. So evidently the military
Lastly, the final reason sexual assault in the military should be severely punished is the should be forced to tell society that a certain man or women is a sexual abuser.sorrowful story of Hannah Sewell. The Invisible War details that Hannah Sewell served in the US Navy. Today, she is a damaged young woman who is continuing to look for justice. Hannah’s story is so moving because she was a virgin before her rape. Something so innocent was taken away from her within a matter of minutes. Her rape took place on February 1, 2008. She was not helped by anyone. Hannah’s assault affected her so negatively that she thought of hanging herself from a US flag pole with a note describing in detail what happened to her. Her attacker is still serving in the US Navy and has been awarded medals since then. No justice has been served for as well. Without a doubt, she was a proud, strong woman before her assault. This is just another example of the effects of sexual assault in the military and why sexual assault should be severely punished. Clearly sexual assault is wrong and should be taken more seriously.
Overall, assault in the military always has a negative effect on the victim! This licentious act should be severely punishable! The stories of Kori Cioca, Michael Matthews, and Hannah Sewell prove that! The military men who assault other people should have the same prosecution as someone who does not serve. Obviously, all of these stories are examples of the gruesome effects sexual assault in the military has on individuals.