Discover whether various chemical compounds are molecular or ionic and if they are acidic or basic.
If the compound is ionic, then it will be soluble because the energy given off water molecules compensates for the energy needed to break ionic bonds, also, if the compound is Ionic, it will be an electrolyte, because they mostly break up into ions when in water.
If the compound is molecular, then it will be soluble, it cannot be an electrolyte, and it can be an acid or base, because molecular compounds are soluble in organic solutions such as water, they do not have any delocalized electrons, and are not able to freely move.
If the compound is an acid, then it will be both a molecular compound …show more content…
All of the ionic compounds were both electrolytes and soluble, demonstrating that that part of our conclusion was correct. However, two ionic compounds were shown to be acids (Copper(II) Sulfate and Potassium Carbonate).
All but one of the molecular compounds were soluble, the exception being Paraffin Wax. However, we were wrong in our hypothesis that no molecular compounds were electrolytes, as the two acids (Sulfuric acid and Hydrochloric acid) were electrolytes. Our hypothesis that the molecular compounds could be acids or bases was correct.
Our hypothesis that all acids would be molecular was false, as two ionic compounds were shown to be acids, however this can be explained by the spotplate used to hold the compounds not being properly cleaned, leading to cross contamination.
All acids turned the blue litmus paper red. Our hypothesis about bases was correct, as the only was Sodium Hydroxide, and it turned the red litmus paper blue.
Sources of Error
Cross contamination of substances from unclean materials leading to inaccurate