In 2001, Apple Computers introduced a unique portable music player, known as the IPod (Kahney Illustrated). Before the IPod was sold into market, many portable music players were useless and had horrible design. Low batteries, storage, and transfer of music were a huge problem for most MP3 players before the release of Apple’s new innovation (Edward Birth). Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc., ceased this opportunity to construct an MP3 player with improved technological features. Instead of using flash memory like all other music players, Apple decided to use a miniature hard disk for storage. Thanks to Toshiba’s prototype hard drive; Apple was able to find the key for the first IPod (Kahney Illustrated). The company wanted to focus on promoting the small size, power, and ease of use of its device (Lloyd iLounge). The name of the device, IPod, came from a freelance copywriter, Vinnie Chieco, who thought about a movie, The Space Odyssey, directed by Stanley Kubrick (Edwards Birth). Apple revealed their first generation IPod to the market in a 5GB model, which can
In 2001, Apple Computers introduced a unique portable music player, known as the IPod (Kahney Illustrated). Before the IPod was sold into market, many portable music players were useless and had horrible design. Low batteries, storage, and transfer of music were a huge problem for most MP3 players before the release of Apple’s new innovation (Edward Birth). Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc., ceased this opportunity to construct an MP3 player with improved technological features. Instead of using flash memory like all other music players, Apple decided to use a miniature hard disk for storage. Thanks to Toshiba’s prototype hard drive; Apple was able to find the key for the first IPod (Kahney Illustrated). The company wanted to focus on promoting the small size, power, and ease of use of its device (Lloyd iLounge). The name of the device, IPod, came from a freelance copywriter, Vinnie Chieco, who thought about a movie, The Space Odyssey, directed by Stanley Kubrick (Edwards Birth). Apple revealed their first generation IPod to the market in a 5GB model, which can