Political Science 405-02
International Relations of the Middle East
Fall 2014
Sunday and Wednesday 11:30-12:45
Dr. Gamal A. Gawad Soltan
Office Hours: Sunday, Wednesday 10:00-11:00 Sunday 3:30-5:30 And By Appointment
Office: HUSS 2036
Email: gsoltan@aucegypt.edu
Course Description
This course is designed to cover major aspects of interstate relations of the Middle East. These include the policies of major international actors towards the region, the relations between Middle East countries themselves and their policies towards the outside world. Different theories and approaches will be applied and tested towards this purpose. The rational behind this class is to develop an overall organizing perspective that can help explain international politics in and regarding the Middle East. The nature of this course requires continuous movement back and forth between theory and reality, history and current affairs. As both a political science and area study course, theories here are not presented in isolation of the actual regional and international realities.
One book is used as a textbook in this class. Additional readings will be placed on reserve or posted on blackboard.
Raymond Hinnebusch, International Relations of the Middle East, 2003
Important note on the Academic Calendar
To meet the school's policy, this class will meet on three Saturdays, in addition to the regular meetings on Sundays and Wednesdays. The three additional Saturdays will be disbursed along the duration of the semester as the following:
Saturday September 27th
Saturday October 25th
Saturday November 222d
Course Requirements and Student Evaluation
Attendance policy: attendance is integral part of the course. A student who misses more than the equivalent of three weeks of class meetings during a semester for any reason may be assigned a reduced grade for the course — including the grade of “F” — solely